This EA thing is late and brief, as I honestly enjoyed Ubisoft’s presentation more in spite of its regurgitation of repellent words like “connectivity” and “friends.” And yes, not just because of Aisha Tyler, though she’s a far better hype (wo)man than a fat, middle aged white guy with no social skills. But let’s try to stay on topic.
EA loves them some fake applause. And with good reason. There was little applause coming from the audience. There’s this really weird movement that’s been knocking around social networking and forums lately, that seems to state that those at a reveal conference shouldn’t applaud as it shows some sort of weakness to The Beast, and I just can’t get on board with that. If I see a game reveal that blows my skirt up I will - in spite of my cynicism - put both my hands together in the oddest of human traditions. I don’t know if this phenomenon was responsible for the lack of audible hand-on-hand action from the audience at the EA conference, but such a shortcoming made the entire affair noticeably awkward.
It was so bad, in fact, that during Bruce Buffer’s introduction of UFC people I’ve never heard of or care about they actually piped in fake applause through the sound system. This was representative of the entire EA sports reveal, and what I feel will be the defining ethos of this entire E3. These are industry people, those watching the feeds are huge fans, and there will be hell to pay if the upgrades to a game are strictly aesthetic. We'd like true innovation. Not later. Now.
In other news, paltry asides like Drake’s presence the term “realistic ball handling” trended on twitter for a while, and Battlefield 4’s 64 person multiplayer looks good if not another case of “bigger and better but not substantively different.”
Then they showed 30 seconds of Mirror’s Edge 2 and I came a little bit. As I’ve mentioned before, I fucking love that game. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try to come up with some sort of cogent analysis of the Ubisoft conference while I stroke it to this trailer... Again. At least EA gave me something I wanted.
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