Friday, April 12, 2013


Edit: I wrote a thing for gamesbeat! You can find it here. If you just can't get enough of MrNed. Who can?

Sorry, everybody, I've been a bad blogger this week. Allow me to explain:

I'm presently working on a video project and it has completely consumed my time and my brain, because it turns out these things are really fucking hard... I mean difficult. Get your mind out of the gutter.

I now have a great deal more respect for people like EgoRaptor and AngryVideoGameNerd.

My days have been a blur of enormous file sizes, cropped videos, crash courses in audio editing, and bolstering of my After Effects kung-fu. Even after writing a script, it's still difficult to work out the order in which things are to proceed. As in: where do reaction clips go, etc. So, yeah, this shit is no joke. A little project that I thought would take me a few days is now looking like it's going to run about two weeks.

But I think it will be worth it. While there's always the danger of spreading oneself too thin, I've always liked the idea of doing a project like this, and I really need to get it out of my system. So I'm gonna. As penance for only posting two real blogs this week, I'll throw one up (that was intentional) tomorrow morning. That is if my girlfriend doesn't decide that we need to "get out of the house." Whatever the hell that means.

The Day Star frightens me.

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