Friday, April 5, 2013

Irish Coffee, April 5th, 2013

Livid. I'm fucking LIVID this morning. I should calm down, but if I drink alone before noon it'll be time to seek help and I hate hospitals. I think I'll just go outside and kick a tree until it falls over. Also, happy Friday! I'll try to get a blog up this weekend, but if I don't manage it, see you on Monday morning!

Rut roh Raggy. Someone’s been a dipshit.

Meet Adam Orth, creative director at Microsoft, who is probably being unceremoniously spanked as we speak. If there is such a position in Microsoft’s PR department. I can’t imagine why there wouldn’t be. He took to twitter to espouse the virtues (if I could be so generous) of an always online console. The conversation in question can be found here. Shortly after this exchange, Orth set his twitter feed to private.

Microsoft has been very tight lipped about their next-gen offering, but rumors have been circulating  that the coming console (codenamed Durango) will require a persistent internet connection. What this means, for the uninitiated, is that the console will essentially cease to function as a game machine if your internet connection drops or you don’t have the internet period. Let’s say, some of the problems you might have if you live in a rural area. Something Orth seems to have a problem with as well:

If there’s one thing gamers have proven, it’s that we want control of our content. For evidence of this, look no further than the clusterfuck that was SimCity’s launch. Within a week, the more technically inclined of our ilk had found a way to make an “always online” game function offline, and publicly humiliated the game’s publisher. Uh-oh. EA, you silly little liars. Someone call the spank team from the PR department.

So, naturally, when Orth started saying stupid things in a public forum, the gaming community went into White Knight Mode. Here are just a few of the reactions from Reddit, from whence this story came:

Now, it’s not just that this guy is a towering douchebag (he is) or that a game consoles with persistent internet connections are a bad idea (they are), it’s that this is yet another demonstration of the ever-widening disconnect between the corporate structure of game publication, and the average gamer. Can they not see the signs? Do they not understand that the AAA title is rapidly becoming a relic, and that gamers can and will take their money to independent markets if they aren’t treated with at least some basic respect? This isn’t the movie industry, and companies like EA and Microsoft need to realize that. Video games and their distribution platforms are far too mercurial an entity to be controlled with an iron grip.

Additionally, in regards to Orth’s tweet that he should be able to say what he wants on Twitter: You have the words “Microsoft Creative Director” in your Twitter description, you fucking child. You are therefor responsible for the stupid shit that oozes out of your brain. If you want to spout this tripe at the populace, create a different twitter account that doesn’t have your name or the name of your employer on it and that doesn’t list your position. See if anyone wants to listen to your bullshit then.

Sorry, I went a little off the rails, there. It just makes me unbelievably fucking angry when rich, bitch-made little cocksuckers like Orth take offense to the idea that someone might be poor or live in a rural area. I did live in a rural area most of my life, and I was poor, and if I still lived on Daufuskie Island, I wouldn’t be able to own a console with a persistent internet connection, if I could even afford the thing in the first place. Why don’t you go somewhere in rural America and try saying this shit to someone’s face. See how well that goes for you, you impotent little shit.

Welcome to the real world, Sweet Billy. You’re going to be pantsed and stuffed in a locker.

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